I've been wondering what on earth I should blog about since coming home from my recent 16 day trip to Florida and New York, and to be honest I can't come up with just one good story, there are too many. It was a great trip, tons of fun. I got to see some old friends and meet some new friends. I worked some. I ran some. I pulled invasive plants from a nature area in Fort Myers Beach. I got a sunburn from falling asleep on the beach when I was supposed to be PhDing. I saw a car fire in a parking lot. I went to the MoMA. I ate really good food. I stayed up until 4am, something I haven't done since college. I watched a lot of Modern Family. I played with cool Star Wars toys. I went to Chuck E. Cheese. I drank some really good beer. I saw a bar fight. I saw a rat, an alligator, pelicans, flamingos, and fish. I got magic wands from Harry Potter land. I was cold. I was hot. I got yelled at by TSA agents at JFK. I rode roller coasters. I fell asleep on the subway. I went to Tiffany's on 5th Ave.
The last week of my trip - when in NYC, I totally lost all motivation to exercise or do any type of school work. I've been home five days now and have worked out twice and still haven't done anything PhD related. I haven't actually ran in about two weeks. I'm having a hell of a time transitioning back into things.
In order to become motivated again, I am engaging in the following activities:
1. Watching 'Wall Street'
2. Reading about all the races coming up this spring and thinking about signing up for them
3. Spending a good five minutes each day looking at the pile of data I need to go through
Wait...is that motivation or procrastination? I'm thinking there is a fine line between the two...
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