Yes, I could get one of those fancy programs that transfers audio files to text (should've asked for that over the holidays) or pay a transcriber. But, I'm a sucker for the old fashioned way. And really, by doing it myself I am hearing, and I mean really hearing what these subjects are saying. And I have to believe that this means I will have a deeper understanding of their experiences. I just wish I sounded more like....Bob Edwards. There's a voice from my childhood. I have distinct memories of listening to him on NPR's Morning Edition on my way to school. Sweet, sweet man.
Or maybe I would type faster if my voice sounded like my Core Fitness instructor. She's got the best motivational sports voice. Proof of this is that I actually did some sit ups in class today...real ones. And I like to think it was because she was yelling across the room about 8-pack abs.
PhD accomplishments today: administered 2nd wave of my survey, did more data analysis from last survey (talk about an Excel headache), transcribed some more, and began to group written responses.
Fitness accomplishments today: went to and survived first Core Fitness class and was able to still squat down to play legos with the kid without falling over in pain.
P.S. - Andrew (partner, father of child, driver of mini van - you get the picture) says that I'm cheating if I let the Internet think I am starting running from scratch. So, full disclosure here: Yes I can run. I ran 7 miles on Sunday. And I have done 3 half marathons. Does it mean I am fit to do a marathon? No. It means about the same as where I am with school - I've got a base to work off of, but the work will be hard and at times suck.
Good advice from another childhood voice, "Put one foot in front of the other and soon you’ll be walking cross the floor. Put one foot in front of the other and soon you’ll be walking out the door." You'll do great. Relax, breathe, and always watch where you put those feet. :)